Garnet Mierau
Professional Forester, British Columbia
Garnet Mierau, registered professional forester, has over 30 years of experience in forest management in British Columbia, much of this within the wildfire niche. Specifically, he led a team of professionals working for the District of Logan Lake to prepare for and respond to the Tremont Wildfire in 2021, including years of wildfire risk reduction and FireSmart program management as well as community forest tenure management. Recently, Garnet became the Director of Practice with the provincial regulator Forest Professionals BC (FPBC). FPBC works in the public interest by ensuring all registrants have the required educational background, training and experience as well as maintaining their knowledge.
At the Summit, Garnet will be sharing a practitioner’s perspective on wildland fire risk reduction and efficacy. He will also bring in the importance of a Regulator in this space by discussing a stress tested program from Logan Lake and the Tremont Wildfire of 2021.